
Research is Fun in FCPC

First City Providential College has embraced research into its culture allowing for its vision to become a world-class university for lifelong learning be institutionalized and provided to each of the students. And with the tagline “Research is Fun”, students, faculty, non-teaching staffs are ought to collaborate to produce viable research that would be published and presented in national and international research conferences and are taught to embrace and love research as the school aims to enhance the researching skills of students that will be an asset to their future career and enhances the research culture of the institution itself.

Students learn how to create and conduct their own research, from qualitative and quantitative studies to experimental research. One unique part of the research culture in FCPC is that even elementary students from Grade 4 conduct their own qualitative research guided by their research teachers to develop their critical thinking skills and enable them to be more equipped researchers once they became Junior High School Students. Research is also integrated with non-research subjects in preparation for actual conducting and writing of research papers on their research subjects.

And as FCPC has the CRDRI that aims to help students write their own research paper with ease as the CRDRI provides research format and standards that both the students and faculty could follow to allow them to actualize the production of feasible research for the community that can be published and used in both national and international publications.